
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Traffic law

Used boat contract

I have sold a used boat with a trailer, received the purchase price, handed over the keys, the papers as well, but did not receive the signed purchase contract back. The buyer refuses to sign the contract. Now the boat is still officially registered to me, as the buyer has also not transferred it. The trailer as well. What can I do to get him to do this? What risk am I facing of experiencing financial damage if the new owner has an accident with the boat or trailer? I have cancelled the insurance for the boat.
Thank you and regards

Jan Wilking

Dear inquirer,

Thank you for your inquiry.

If the buyer has paid you the full purchase price, you have handed over the boat and trailer to him, and he is now using both, then it can be assumed that a verbal purchase agreement has been made, even without a signature on the document. The buyer, as the new owner, is then also liable for accidents.

It is important that you notify both the insurance company and the registration office of the change in ownership, providing the buyer's information.

Best regards

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Experte für Traffic law

Jan Wilking

Jan Wilking

Oldenburg, Vorpommern

Ich biete Ihnen über 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Medienbranche, sowohl vor als auch hinter den Kulissen; zudem war ich mehrere Jahre als Justiziar beim Marktführer für Multimedia-Software tätig. Diese Erfahrungen setze ich kreativ ein, um Ihre Rechte zu schützen! Ich berate Sie gerne, insbesondere im Bereich Markenanmeldung und -verteidigung:

Rechtsanwalt Jan Wilking
Brandsweg 20
26131 Oldenburg

Tel: 0441-7779786
Fax: 0441-7779346


Zuständige Aufsichtsbehörde:
Rechtsanwaltskammer Oldenburg
Staugraben 5
26122 Oldenburg

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Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung - BRAO Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte - BORA Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz - RVG Fachanwaltsordnung - FAO Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland - EuRAG Berufsregeln der Rechtsanwälte der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
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