Drying room
February 23, 2011 | 25,00 EUR | answered by Steffan Schwerin
Living in rental since 2004. Landlord (V.) verbally allowed us to use the existing drying room. This is a vestibule to our rented cellar. The vestibule has an open passage to the staircase, but no windows. Ventilation should be done through the window of our cellar room. This has also worked until today without any risk of mold formation. V. also dried laundry in this vestibule. V. now prohibits us from using the drying room because it is not specified in the rental agreement and due to the risk of mold formation. Question 1: Can V. forbid us from using the existing drying room? Question 2: I have information that according to building regulations in a multi-family house, from two apartments (we have 3 W.) a cellar room and a drying room must be provided. Is that correct? Question 3: We cannot fully use our rented cellar room because the electricity line located there does not run through our meter. For example, we cannot connect a dryer. The bathroom is too small for that. Can we demand that a meter be installed there or that the electricity runs through our meter? Best regards.
Dear questioner,
I will answer the questions you have asked, taking into consideration the circumstances described and your input, as follows:
Question 1: Can V. forbid us from using the existing drying room?
Since nothing has been agreed upon in writing, you are actually not allowed to use the room. The verbal agreement is invalid, so the landlord can basically prohibit its use. However, if there is no other option for drying, then the use cannot be forbidden.
Question 2: I have been informed that according to building regulations in a multi-family house, from two apartments onwards (we have 3), a cellar room and a drying room must be provided. Is this true?
No, that is not entirely correct. The landlord must provide tenants with certain facilities for storing items and drying clothes, but this does not necessarily have to be through a cellar or drying room.
Question 3: We are unable to fully use the cellar room we rented because the electricity line there does not run through our meter. For example, we cannot connect a dryer as the bathroom is too small for it. Can we demand that a meter be installed there or that the electricity runs through our meter?
Yes, you can demand this, especially for accurate electricity calculations.
Finally, I would like to point out that this platform cannot replace a comprehensive and personal legal consultation. The aim is solely to provide an initial rough assessment of your legal issue based on the information you have provided, by a lawyer. The legal advice I have provided is based solely on the information you have provided. Adding or omitting relevant information in your description may lead to a completely different legal assessment.
I hope this gives you an initial overview and that my explanations are helpful. Please feel free to contact me through the follow-up option on this platform if you have further questions.
Furthermore, I am available for representation as your attorney. The initial consultation fee paid would be credited in full.
A greater distance between lawyer and client is generally not a problem. With the help of modern communication means such as email, mail, fax, and phone, legal representation is also possible.
Best regards,
Steffan Schwerin
Law Office Steffan Schwerin
Brändströmstraße 10
07749 Jena
Tel: 03641 801257
Fax: 032121128582
Email: raschwerin@raschwerin.de
Website: www.jena-rechtsberatung.de
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Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Steffan Schwerin berät Sie in (fast) allen rechtlichen Lebenslagen. Ich verstehe mich als Dienstleister - getreu dem Motto: Recht haben - Recht durchsetzen - Recht bekommen, berate ich meine Mandanten und wir erarbeiten gemeinsam einen Lösungsweg. Ich vertrete Ihre Interessen außergerichtlich und auch gerichtlich. Ich arbeite vorzugsweise in den Rechtsgebieten Internetrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Sozialrecht, Mietrecht, aber auch im Familien-, Erb- und Strafrecht. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet das Vertragsrecht (Mietverträge, Leihverträge, Eheverträge, Kaufverträge, Darlehensverträge, Leasingverträge, Werkverträge, Dienstleistungsverträge, Arbeitsverträge, Aufhebungsverträge, Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen, Kooperationsvereinbarungen, Bauverträge, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB); hier prüfe ich bestehende Verträge und AGB für Sie oder erstelle Verträge und AGB nach Ihren Anforderungen. Darüber hinaus sind auch Gewerbetreibende, Freiberufler und Unternehmen angesprochen, sich durch meine Kanzlei beraten und vertreten zu lassen.
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