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Reclaim delayed portions of the deceased's invoice


I have been caring for my mentally ill brother for years, for which he granted me a comprehensive notarial general power of attorney and advance care directive, including a waiver of the prohibition of self-contracting according to §181 BGB. Unfortunately, he passed away recently.

We lived together in a shared house for years, and I deferred his share of the utility bills. I documented this as his general agent in writing. Can I now reclaim these deferred amounts as debts of the deceased?

Since I initially covered the costs for my brother, he was able to save money in his account because he had minimal expenses. I now have to pay taxes on this money as the sole heir - and would therefore like to reclaim the costs that I covered.

Thank you

Kind regards,

Bernhard Müller

Dear inquirer,

in theory, this is possible according to § 1967 BGB. However, you would need to prove that you have granted your brother a deferral of his share of the costs. The fact that you have written down that this is the case is a very weak proof in case of dispute. It would be better if your brother had signed each time, confirming that a certain amount was deferred for him.

It is also important to note that any claims that were due in 2018 or earlier are now time-barred. Therefore, even if your brother were still alive, you could only demand the share of costs that were due in 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022.

Kind regards

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Experte für Tax law

Bernhard Müller

Bernhard Müller


Bernhard Müller ist seit April 2004 als Einzelanwalt tätig. Wer Streit mit seinem Vermieter hat, etwas erbt, vererben will, sich scheiden lassen will, wer Ärger mit der Polizei oder sonst ein rechtliches Problem hat, findet bei Rechtsanwalt Bernhard Müller kompetente Beratung. Im Jahr 2009 hat er 2 mal hintereinander den Jusline Kommentierwettbewerb gewonnen.

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