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Rejected visa application of my Lebanese husband.

I (43) live in Berlin and in 2007 I flew to Lebanon with the brother of my husband, who lives in Germany, to attend an Arabic wedding. During this stay, I met my husband (30), who is a Palestinian refugee living in Lebanon. I spent a total of 2x2 weeks with him in 2007 and 2008. During the second stay, we got married in Lebanon in order to have the possibility to live together in Berlin. He successfully completed his integration course and we were simultaneously questioned by the immigration office and the German embassy. After the questioning, he received a rejection with suspicion of a sham marriage. The reasons for the rejection were stated. I believe that a template was applied to evaluate the answers, which was not appropriate, as we could only spend 4 weeks together. I did not memorize all the data before the appointment, as I was sure it would work out. Can I write a remonstration myself, what should be included and to whom should it be sent? Or should my husband write it and to whom? Or should we have a lawyer write it immediately? - Apart from the fact that you are one; o) Thank you in advance.

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Experte für Immigration law

Andreas Scholz