
Ask a doctor on the topic of Surgery

Sports accident

What's wrong with me? On 01/01/11 I had a light fall while snowboarding, didn't feel any pain upon impact and afterwards, hand swelled up quickly and all finger joints (middle joint) were slightly blue. Went to the emergency room for an X-ray, nothing broken, diagnosis was a bruise. After a week, everything except the ring finger (the joint) had returned to normal, could move it, stretch it properly and had no pain. Doctor Nr.2 wanted to operate immediately, diagnosis was collateral ligament damage. Went to doctor Nr.3 for a second opinion and he just immobilized it with tape, didn't give a proper diagnosis. Finger has been getting worse for a week now, more swollen, can't stretch it anymore and occasionally have slight pain now, oh and sometimes my hand falls asleep briefly and over the weekend I had severe shoulder and upper arm pain, went to doctor Nr. 4 on Thursday, immobilization was lifted, prescribed lymphatic drainage and physiotherapy; Diagnosis: inflammation in the joint. My question is: could it be something else and what else can I do for healing? Thanks in advance and Regards.

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Experte für Surgery

Uni-Arzt Freddy Feuerstein