Gallbladder surgery
I am a 32 year old female and I am about to have my gallbladder removed. Last year in May, I had a laparoscopic chromopertubation (following a previous ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage at 9 weeks) and about 8 weeks after the surgery, I started experiencing severe colic in the area of my gallbladder. I should mention that during this time, I was also under a lot of psychological stress, as it was discovered during the laparoscopy that both of my fallopian tubes were blocked and we would need to undergo IVF treatment to fulfill our wish for a child.
Now, 8 months later after our first ICSI cycle in February 2012 (which was negative), I still experience pain in the liver/gallbladder area about every 2 weeks, lasting 3-7 days each time. My primary care physician is at a loss, as all tests in the hospital have shown no gallstones and everything else (abdominal ultrasound, blood tests, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, and MRI) came back normal. The doctors in the hospital suspect possible adhesions from the previous surgeries, but they still want to remove the gallbladder this week since the Murphy sign was also positive.
I would like to hear your medical advice on this matter. Should I have it removed? After 8 months of pain every 2 weeks, I am quite fed up...
Best regards,