
Ask a doctor on the topic of Surgery

Groin surgery

I have had a pre-existing right inguinal hernia for about 8 years. The hernia was reducible. As the frequency of symptoms increased, I decided to have surgery. The surgery was performed at the UKSH. Intraoperatively, a large medial right inguinal hernia was identified. The hernia was repaired totally extraperitoneally (total extraperitoneal patch plasty). Now, about 2 weeks after the surgery and after the swelling on the surgical site has decreased, there is a bulge in the area of the hernia. The bulge is concerning to me. Could it be a recurrence? However, I do not have any symptoms like before the surgery. Also, no problems with bowel movements.

Juliane Theben

Dear Inquirer,

I can understand your concern very well and cannot completely alleviate it. Without being able to see your incision, I can only speculate. Of course, it could theoretically be a recurrence. However, since you are not showing any symptoms and have no complaints, I am more inclined to think that it is a hematoma in the wound area. Therefore, I would advise you to cool the wound. If the swelling does not subside within 14 days, I would strongly recommend that you return to the clinic where you were operated on.

I hope I could help you and wish you a speedy recovery,

J. Theben

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Experte für Surgery

Juliane Theben

Juliane Theben


Ich bin im 4.Jahr meiner Assistenzarztausbildung und mache im Mai 2011 meinen Facharzt. Da in meiner Ausbildungsklinik, das St.Elisabeth-KH-Hohenlindt in Köln, das größte Brustzentrum in NRW und auch deutschlandweit integriert ist,habe ich viel Erfahrung rund um Mamma-Erkrankungen (benigne wie maligne):Diagnostik,Therapiemethoden,OP-Methoden/intraoperative Bestrahlung,adjuvante Therapiemethoden:Chemotherapie,Bestrahlung, Antihormonelle Therapie.
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