
Ask a doctor on the topic of Sports medicine

capsule tear

In a fall, the front part of my right middle finger pointed unnaturally downwards. Initially, a torn tendon was suspected, but the MRI evaluation showed that it was the capsule that was torn, not the tendon. The doctor put a plaster splint on me from 3 fingers to the elbow, which I should wear for three weeks. Since I am a passionate athlete (spinning, cycling, running), the plaster splint bothers me a lot. Is it possible to heal a capsule tear with a lighter splint or a tape bandage, so that the movement of the hand and arm is not so restricted? Thank you for your response.

Uni-Arzt Freddy Feuerstein

Dear questioner,
immobilization or fixation in a splint is the treatment for a capsule injury. You would prefer a splint that does not restrict mobility as much, which is understandable, but not necessarily good for the healing process.
Capsule injuries usually heal without consequences under conservative therapy. Wearing a splint is recommended for 2 to usually 3 weeks.
Your family doctor has acted correctly so far.
There may be more ergonomic splints than the plastered form, but since I do not see them in front of me, I cannot say anything about them. In principle, it is good to completely immobilize the affected joint.
You will not get by with a tape bandage.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask.
I'm sorry for you, but it is very important that your finger injury heals without consequences so that you can be fully ready for sports again.
Best regards
and get well soon

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Experte für Sports medicine

Uni-Arzt Freddy Feuerstein