
Ask a doctor on the topic of Radiology

Radiation after skeleton scintigraphy

Dear Sir or Madam,

My little daughter, who is now 3 years old, was diagnosed with a very aggressive brain tumor (ependymoblastoma = PNET) in April of last year. We have now completed over a year of very intensive therapy (chemo, radiation, 3 high-dose autologous stem cell transplants). The treatment is now finished.
I am currently pregnant again (20 weeks). Unfortunately, my mother, at 51 years old, has also been diagnosed with breast cancer. She recently had a skeletal scintigraphy, in which I believe she was administered the substance Technetium-99.
I am concerned about my pregnancy now, as unborn children are known to have an increased risk of cancer later in life if their mothers have been exposed to radioactive substances.

Therefore, I have the following questions:

1. How long does my mother "emit radiation" after receiving this substance? When can I approach her without any concerns?
2. My mother held my daughter in her arms for a long time three days after the examination. After that, I held my daughter. Could my daughter then pass radiation on to me?
3. After its half-life, 99m-Tc is converted into 99-Tc. It is stated that the radiation exposure from the X-rays released as bremsstrahlung from 99-Tc (the end product remaining in the body) is considered low if a safety distance of 30 cm is maintained. The half-life of 99-Tc is over 200,000 years. Do I need to keep a distance of at least 30 cm throughout the entire pregnancy?
4. What is the level of radiation exposure compared to natural exposure to these rays?
5. Can I use the same toilet, since the substances are excreted through the kidneys?

Thank you for your response.

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Experte für Radiology Tobias Theben Tobias Theben


Promotion in Kardiologie, 2003.

Spezialisierung in Fußchirurgie (DAF-Zertifikat) und Arthroskopie
Zusatzbezeichnungen: Sportmedizin, Manuelle Therapie, Akupunktur

Ultraschalldiagnostik (vor allem Säuglingshüftsonographie+Bewegungsorgane)
Notfallmedizin (shock-raum management, ATFL)

langjährige Erfahrung in Klinik und Praxis.

seit Juli 2013 Privatpraxis Orthopädie Köln-Lindenthal

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