Coordination disorders, sensory disorders, circulatory problems without any current physical findings.
Good evening,
I am currently experiencing the following symptoms: fatigue, mild muscle weakness (sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker), tingling sensations in my foot and leg, and slight dizziness that worsens during exertion (similar to the tingling sensation).
The tingling sensation often spreads to the point of "falling asleep" in my left foot. Blood values are normal and a native skull X-ray with MRI shows no abnormalities except for mucosal abnormalities (cysts or polyps).
The dizziness has only recently occurred, while the other symptoms have been present for about 2 months. The tingling sensation was in my right leg/foot 2 months ago, disappeared for a few weeks, and is now more pronounced in my left side.
My question would be, what potential illnesses could be considered in this case. Would it be necessary for further diagnostic treatment to be expedited (currently being postponed for an appointment in 3 weeks)?