Stomach and intestinal complaints Calprotectin increased Zonulin and secretory IgA
I have been experiencing stomach and intestinal problems for over a year, such as bloating, abdominal pain, pain when pressed, loose stools, and occasional diarrhea. A gastroscopy and colonoscopy with samples from the stomach and duodenum were unremarkable except for a resolving infectious gastritis. Calprotectin levels in December 2020 and June 2021 were normal, as well as a test for hidden blood in December 2020. Helicobacter, bacteria, and fungi were all negative. However, Zonulin levels and secretory IgA levels were extremely elevated. Taking probiotics has slightly improved my symptoms, but now Calprotectin is slightly elevated. Should I be concerned? How can it show an increase if everything was fine in June and all previous values were normal? How would you categorize my symptoms?