
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Contrast-enhancing thyroid nodule in nodular goiter

During an MRI examination on 09.12., a nodular goiter with large, heterogeneous, partly cystic and contrast-enhancing nodules was detected. The goiter was previously examined 8 months ago using color Doppler ultrasound and diagnosed as inconspicuous. How should the contrast uptake of the nodule be evaluated? The contrast agent used was Gadolinium. Does only malignant tissue take up contrast agent?

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring

Good day,

But no! All normal or well-perfused tissues, including normal thyroid cells, take up contrast agent.

If the goiter has large nodules, I would recommend checking them sonographically again at the beginning of the year, and if the findings are inconspicuous, then approximately annually. Of course, thyroid values should also be checked regularly.

However, this MRI finding does not provide any indication of malignancy.

Warm regards, Dr. Gehring

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring


Staatsexamen 1984 in Kiel, seit 1992 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen. Onlineberatung seit 2001 bei Almeda, Focus (als ärztliche Leiterin), Onmeda, Bild der Frau. Moderatorin, Dozentin für medizinische Themen.

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Gynecology
  • Homeopathy / Naturopathy
  • Internal medicine
  • Neurology
  • Other questions to doctors
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