Question about vein artery again
I have already contacted you once with the same concern, but I have another question. I noticed something like a lump on one side of my neck, but only when I am in a bent position, such as when I lean forward, cough, or strain. When I stop, it disappears immediately. It was bothering me, so I visited my doctor. She listened to me and said everything was fine, but at my request she also performed an ultrasound of the carotid artery, pressed on it, and said it was good and elastic. She also checked the vein and said that the blood was flowing back to the heart properly. This should have reassured me, but I am a hypochondriac and I was embarrassed to ask her further questions. I have attached a picture where you can clearly see the "lump" above the collarbone when I provoke it. Is this my vein? Would she have seen an aneurysm on the ultrasound? I am so afraid of that. It unsettles me because it is only on the right side. Is it possible for the arteries and veins to be different sizes?