
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Pain on the left side of the arm, chest, and back.

for about 6 months now, I have been experiencing pain in my left chest, left arm, left side of my back, and the left side between my chest and back. The pain in these different areas is very different and occurs independently of each other.
I will try to describe it:
in my arm, it feels like a pulling sensation, sometimes only in the upper arm, sometimes in the lower arm, the arm feels weak and powerless. The pain is not constant but very frequent.
In the chest, it feels like a dull drilling or pressing sensation, the pain is not dependent on breathing and the exact point of pain is hard to locate, very diffuse, sometimes more on the side, sometimes up to the neck, sometimes towards the center.
I can trigger the pain in my back by moving my upper body backwards. It feels like something is squeezing or pressing somewhere, the pain can be precisely localized.
All of these pains are bearable, even without pain medication.
However, the pain in the side is stronger, it feels like an inflammation spreading, sometimes it lasts longer, sometimes less. The pain is very exhausting and intense. It occurs most frequently and intensively when I sit for a long time (for example, at work).
IBU does not help at all. Analgesics also do not help (I took them for 10 days in combination with IBU as instructed by my general practitioner).

I have already had the following doctor visits:
Orthopedist (x-rayed the thoracic spine) - found nothing
Alternative practitioner - gave me injections in the back (no improvement) and adjusted me
Gynecologist - breast ultrasound - found nothing
Cardiologist - resting ECG and stress ECG - found nothing
Internist - chest x-ray (lungs) - only from the front - found nothing
Physical therapy (no improvement)
Blood test - all values ​​good
Manual therapy - no improvement

All doctors have advised me to do sports urgently as a balance for my office work. I have been swimming twice a week for two weeks now. And I should try to keep warm and use a cherry stone pillow. I have also obtained that.

Information about me:
Age: 26
Height: 1.70 m
Weight: 116

My general practitioner has written me a referral to a psychologist citing anxiety disorder and carcinophobia. According to her diagnosis, I have a CTG blockage and Tietze syndrome. She is not swayed by this and does not really listen to my descriptions of pain. Now I do not know what to do and hope that someone here can help me.

Thank you very much.
Best regards
P. Grimm

Christian Welsch

Dear Mrs. Grimm,

In addition, the chest could also be examined with a CT scan. However, you are too young for a serious illness.

I would also seek the opinion of a second orthopedist. Get well soon, C. Welsch

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Experte für Internal medicine

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

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  • General medicine
  • Allergology
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