
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Chest X-ray findings

I need the opinion of a radiologist/internal medicine specialist regarding my chest X-ray. Or more specifically, a report on it.

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring


I am a doctor specializing in internal and general medicine and I have looked at your image. It does not show any abnormalities.

You can ask a follow-up question for free. Please make sure that all your questions are included! I will be happy to respond again.

Best regards, Dr. Höllering

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring

Dr. med. Frauke Gehring


Staatsexamen 1984 in Kiel, seit 1992 in eigener Praxis niedergelassen. Onlineberatung seit 2001 bei Almeda, Focus (als ärztliche Leiterin), Onmeda, Bild der Frau. Moderatorin, Dozentin für medizinische Themen.

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Gynecology
  • Homeopathy / Naturopathy
  • Internal medicine
  • Neurology
  • Other questions to doctors
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