
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

Negative pregnancy test, still pregnant?

my partner stopped taking the pill 4 months ago. The first period came 3 days later. The 2nd and 3rd periods came normally. The current one is 10 days late. After 3 days, she took a test in the evening without waiting 2-3 hours between urinating. The test was negative. She then took another test after 8 days late in her cycle, also late in the evening. There were just over 2 hours between urination. She drank about 0.8 liters of water during that time. The test was also negative. After 5 days late in her cycle, she had a small spotting that quickly disappeared. It should also be mentioned that she has an underactive thyroid and has been taking medication for 2 years. She recently visited her doctor and was told everything looks good and she is well regulated. She has occasional mild lower abdominal pain as if her period is coming. Additionally, she has bloating, cried 3 times last week about past things, then she is fine again, then sad again. She can also get angry and then be completely fine. Could she still be pregnant despite two negative tests? Is there a tiny bit of hope? Sorry if everything is a bit confusing. But I think I am more pregnant than my wife. The desire to be a proud dad is strong. I look forward to your answer.

Christian Welsch

Dear inquirer,

A pregnancy test in urine will only be positive earliest 14 days after fertilization of the egg, with a reliability of 95%. The hormone ß-HCG is detected, which indicates pregnancy.
Morning urine usually contains higher concentrations of this hormone, so it would be better to test with this.
Especially in the first five weeks of pregnancy, the hormone concentration in urine may be below the detection limit of the urine test, resulting in a false negative test result.

Through a blood test, the presence of hCG in sufficient quantity in the blood serum can be detected approximately 9 days after conception. This means that pregnancy can be confirmed even before the expected missed period.

It is possible that you are already a father, but only a blood test can confirm this at the moment.

I hope this information was helpful to you. All the best to you and your partner.

Kind regards,

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Experte für Gynecology

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

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