According to the orthopedist, I am very tense in the lower cervical spine and shoulder blade. I have had various symptoms for years. Now something new has been added in recent weeks, and since I am a fearful patient (hypochondriac), I am now worried because I do not know if I can classify the whole thing in my cervical spine syndrome:
I sometimes have brief "stabs" in my temple for weeks. The pain feels sharp, not pulsating, and as I said, disappears after a few seconds. Could it also radiate from the tension there? I am not allowed to google, as the worst diseases come out.
Also, just to add, I am a 32-year-old female, with no other illnesses, no medications, and rather low blood pressure. I weigh 54 kg.
I am also interested in knowing if sometimes, at irregular intervals when I am still in bed in the morning, I see a brief bright flicker or shimmering before my eyes, which stops when I move my head like turning or moving. According to the eye doctor, everything is fine with my eyes, could this also be related to the cervical spine or nerve compression?