
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Survival time in strong UG

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am 32 years old, anorexic, and severely underweight for several years (BMI of 12.5-13). Blood values, etc. have always been normal, and the hygiene standards in Germany are good (so not comparable to undernourished patients in developing countries). What do you think, or are there already studies on how long a person with such severe underweight can survive?

Juliane Theben

Dear questioner,

Surely you are now expecting exact numbers for your question - but hardly anyone will be able to give them to you.
Unfortunately, I think you should ask a different question - namely:
How can I find professional help to return from this dangerously low weight to a normal level??

I am sure you have heard this answer a thousand times already, as you mention that you have been suffering from anorexia with very severe low weight for years. Nevertheless, I can only urge you to seek professional help!!!! With a BMI of 12.5, you are already in a highly dangerous range of low weight, no matter how good the hygienic conditions are!!!!!! Even under the best hygienic conditions imaginable, there are already a number of complications that can occur with a BMI of 12.5 in your case, which could be fatal!

Unfortunately, I cannot have a personal conversation with you and offering solutions via the internet in your situation is difficult. I can only urge you to seek professional help, no matter how embarrassing or uncomfortable it may be for you. Anorexia is a recognized illness that can only be treated with professional help from therapists. Do not hesitate to seek help, there are many people suffering from anorexia who have found a way out with therapeutic help. It certainly takes a lot of patience on the long road and a lot of empathy - but THERE IS HELP and THERE IS A WAY OUT OF ANOREXIA.

Therefore, please do not wait any longer and do not rely on any more statistical numbers, but seek professional help - TODAY!!!!

I hope I have not frightened or intimidated you, but I believe it is my duty as a doctor to show you the seriousness of the situation you are in right now. My intention is not to scare you, but to encourage you to seek help!!!!

Best regards,

J. Theben

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Experte für General medicine

Juliane Theben

Juliane Theben


Ich bin im 4.Jahr meiner Assistenzarztausbildung und mache im Mai 2011 meinen Facharzt. Da in meiner Ausbildungsklinik, das St.Elisabeth-KH-Hohenlindt in Köln, das größte Brustzentrum in NRW und auch deutschlandweit integriert ist,habe ich viel Erfahrung rund um Mamma-Erkrankungen (benigne wie maligne):Diagnostik,Therapiemethoden,OP-Methoden/intraoperative Bestrahlung,adjuvante Therapiemethoden:Chemotherapie,Bestrahlung, Antihormonelle Therapie.
Desweiteren habe ich viel Erfahrung im Bereich der gynäkologischen Onkologie:Diagnostik; OP-Techniken, adjuvante Therapieoptionen von gynäkologischen Karzinomen;Natürlich gehören auch benigen gynäkologische Befunde, deren Diagnostik und Therapieoptionen zu meinen Alltagsaufgaben.(Problemstellungen aus dem Praxisbereich: Pilzinfektionen,Pille vergessen-was mache ich jetzt?, Früh-SS und Blutungen, Pille+Komplikationen....)
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