
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Severe pain caused by hemorrhoids

Hello, I have had a hemorrhoid for about 1.5 weeks now. I have tried suppositories and creams, chamomile baths, and horsetail tea baths. I have also prepared a bath with alum powder, but have not yet tried a sitz bath with it.

The hemorrhoid is extremely painful. Especially in the mornings, about 10 minutes after a bowel movement, the pain becomes unbearable, not even a Ibuprofen 400 helps. Then in the mornings, there are strong burning pains at certain intervals, which then calm down briefly and continue like this. It usually gets better in the afternoons, and evenings and nights are the best times.

Is this normal? What can I do to endure the pain in the mornings? Can you advise me on anything else (besides going to the doctor)? Thank you in advance.

PS: I already have been having bowel movements in a squatting position!

Christian Welsch

Dear inquirer,

In addition to recommending seeing a doctor if the issue doesn't stop with "home remedies", I could recommend Hametum ointment, which you should apply with a rubber glove.
From my experience, it works best out of all ointments for this issue.

Regards, C. Welsch

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Experte für General medicine

Christian Welsch

Christian Welsch


niedergelassener HNO-Arzt und Notfallmediziner, seit 15 Jahren regelmäßige Mitarbeit im allgemeinmedizinischen Notdienst

Expert knowledge:
  • General medicine
  • Allergology
  • Surgery
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Other questions to doctors
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