
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Laboratory values


I would like to know if the following blood values should be cause for concern, or if they justify a contrast agent X-ray and endoscopy:

Relative lymphocytes lowered: 16.2 (18-45)
Absolute lymphocytes lowered: 0.92 (1.2-3.5)

Albumin lowered: 54.6% (55.8-66.1)
Gamma-Globulin increased: 22.6% (11.1-18.8)
Neutrophils increased: 75.5

Rheumatism has already been ruled out.

CRP value has been chronically elevated since the end of 2008 (presumably longer) between 7 and 9.

I am 32 and male.

Thank you for your response!

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dear questioner,
before going into more detail about the blood values you provided, I would like to briefly mention the following: in medicine, it is always important to consider the whole person. For example, if someone goes to the doctor with complaints, the first step is usually a medical history (anamnesis) and a physical examination (both of which are unfortunately not possible in this way). After that, the doctor usually has a suspicion of what it could be. To confirm this diagnosis, various measures can be taken, such as a blood test, the X-ray you mentioned, or endoscopy. However, blood values alone usually do not provide much information. Unfortunately, in the German healthcare system, it is common for all possible measures to be carried out first, see what comes out of it, and then come to a diagnosis. It should actually be the other way around.
In summary, it can be said that reliable statements about the results of the blood values cannot be made without knowledge of your complaints.

What can be seen in the values is that they are all only slightly outside the normal range indicated by the laboratory.
Lymphocytes are the killer or phagocytic cells of the body and belong to the white blood cells (the defense cells). If they are low, it can indicate an autoimmune disease, tuberculosis, or immune deficiency.

Albumin is an important transport vehicle. Low levels can indicate inflammation in the body, as well as liver problems or protein loss.

Gamma globulins represent the antibodies in the blood (also active in defense against diseases). An increase can again indicate chronic inflammation in the body.

Neutrophils also belong to the body's defense system (and the group of white blood cells). An increase can again indicate inflammation in the body, but can also occur in smokers, for example.

CRP is a nonspecific parameter for inflammation. If it is elevated, it means that there is inflammation somewhere in the body, but more specific information cannot be provided with this value.

In summary: since the values are only slightly outside the norm, they are not a cause for concern on their own. As you have already seen, an increase or decrease can indicate many different diseases. This means it is important to consider the values in the context of your complaints. Only then can a complete picture emerge. Therefore, based on these values alone, it cannot be determined whether the mentioned measures are necessary for you.
I hope I could help you this way and wish you all the best,
warm regards,
Your Susanne Plotz

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz

Dr. med. Susanne Plotz


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