20.04.2022 | answered by Christian Welsch
Hello, yesterday I was bitten in the finger by my horse, I went to the doctor, everything was cleaned and I should take Clindamycin 600 as a precaution for 3 days, 2x1. Now I am reading about the side effects like severe diarrhea etc and I am feeling...
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04.12.2016 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Thank you for the quick response. As I am very hypochondriac, I always have great panic when I have anything. I presented my concern to justanswer this morning, where they mentioned vulvar cancer, which shocked me completely, causing me to tremble. S...
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26.10.2016 | answered by Ralf Berg
Good day, is there a gastroenterologist here with experience in treating patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)? I have been suffering from Crohn's disease since 2011. I experience recurrent diarrhea, fatigue, and joint pain. Pentasa was inef...
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18.01.2016 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Hello dear medical team, let me introduce myself briefly: I am a 46-year-old woman, a smoker for 30 years (had a preventive smoking CT scan last year, everything was fine), I am 1.68 cm tall and weigh 70 kg. I don't do much exercise, I jog about twic...
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23.06.2015 | answered by Ive Dr. Schaaf
Hello Dr. Schaf,
In August 2004, I had my first thrombosis in my right lower leg. After six months of taking Marcumar, everything was fine. The cause was an 11-hour flight with crossed legs combined with a lot of alcohol. There were never any proble...
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11.10.2013 | answered by Kathrin Hamann
I am completely at the end of my rope. Last year when I was pregnant, I went to the dermatologist to have my moles checked, as I felt they had increased during my pregnancy. The doctor mentioned that there were a few that could be removed, in...
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24.07.2013 | answered by Ralf Berg
Dear Dr. Berg,
I had previously asked you a question on December 25th, 2011 under the above title, regarding an incident where I (49) got hit in the eye with a snowball about 26 years ago.
I have a second question regarding this snowball incident: ...
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04.11.2012 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Good day dear Sir or Madam,
I have a few questions regarding tachycardia.
I am 56 years old, 180 cm tall and weigh around 120 kg. I am a smoker, unfortunately do not pay much attention to my diet, and do not move a lot.
I have been suffering from ...
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13.08.2012 | answered by Michael Schröter
I am 61 years old and healthy apart from high blood pressure. During my last appointment, my general practitioner recommended that I undergo a prostate cancer screening. He wants to take a blood sample to determine my PSA level. However, I have to pa...
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09.08.2012 | answered by Ralf Berg
Dear Dr. Berg,
Thank you very much for your helpful explanations last time regarding exhaustion in Thailand.
1) Introduction
During my last visit to Thailand, I tried the following:
- Only Japanese food, very hygienic - no diarrhea.
- Preventive in...
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19.04.2012 | answered by Hendrik Bernau
I have been experiencing sleep disturbances for several days now. This manifests itself in waking up multiple times during the night. Today, this was accompanied by a strong tremor in my hands and arms, which is still ongoing, cold hands and feet, di...
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23.03.2012 | answered by Erika Klaczinski
Dear Dr. Klaczinski or other doctor,
Today I was prescribed Arilin Vaginal Suppositories by my gynecologist because, as in the past year, there was a finding of Group II during the preventive examination. (This means that the cell sample needs to be...
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23.03.2012 | answered by Erika Klaczinski
Today I was prescribed Arilin vaginal suppositories by my gynecologist, as during last year's preventive examination there was a finding of Group II. Since I do not like taking antibiotics and have already had problems (I am 60 years old) with other ...
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19.03.2012 | answered by Ralf Berg
In September 2011, I almost had a concrete umbrella stand fall on my left foot. I was able to move my foot to the side, but a side impact could not be avoided. Since that time, I have been receiving treatment. Cortisone was injected and two MRI exami...
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22.01.2012 | answered by Ralf Berg
We are looking for a work diagnosis and/or suitable specialization for a young lady born in 1987, who unfortunately has not received any therapy so far (except symptomatic treatment). The limitations of quality of life, ability to work, ...
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28.07.2011 | answered by Freddy Feuerstein
I am male, 36 years old. During an ultrasound examination of my testicle as part of a preventive check-up, 3 small white calcifications were visible. The urologist afterwards said that everything was clinically inconspicuous, and I should just come b...
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12.07.2011 | answered by Christian Welsch
I have had the following problem for about 3 years:
Whenever I go swimming in lakes, reservoirs or unchlorinated outdoor pools, I have a strong reaction in my eyes and nose (excessive secretion, tingling, sneezing similar to hay fever) and sometimes ...
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30.06.2011 | answered by Ralf Berg
I have a somewhat unusual question that concerns me: I was at the doctor's office this morning. There was probably only one patient before me. The used paper of the previous patient was still on the examination chair (there were marks on the paper, a...
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30.10.2010 | answered by Ralf Berg
I have a gynecological procedure scheduled for Tuesday, involving a laparoscopy of the abdomen and uterus, with a check on the patency of the fallopian tubes. I'm not worried about that. What worries me is the potential for sepsis, which can occur af...
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04.12.2009 | answered by Tobias Theben
Hello, I have had a bump on the back of my neck, on the right side, for 2-3 years. At the beginning, it was very large, about 3 times bigger than it is now. I went to the doctor and he said it was just a pimple. I tried to squeeze it out, and small w...
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04.12.2009 | answered by Olaf Stephan
Hello, how can I effectively strengthen the immune system? Are Vitamin C with Zinc capsules helpful, or Echinacea?
Best regards
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28.05.2009 | answered by Björn Biermann
Dear medical professionals,
For several years now, I have been suffering from an allergy. My nasal and oral mucous membranes are dry, and my nasal mucous membranes swell up so much that I can hardly breathe. Speaking and swallowing (even saliva) is ...
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