28.09.2016 | answered by David Meyer
About myself:
I consider myself to be moderately to strongly introverted. Large groups of people, parties, festivals, etc. make me uncomfortable and drain me of energy. I am happy when I can be alone. It is very important to me what other people thin...
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05.08.2015 | answered by Frauke Gehring
Dear Sir or Madam,
For several months, I have been complaining of persistent severe fatigue. In addition, I also experience constant dizziness, hot flashes, and headaches. I am completely lacking in motivation, hardly feel any joy, and generally can...
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07.01.2014 | answered by Frauke Gehring
I regularly (one or two times per year) experience slight tingling (no pain) in my left foot, left hand (wrist), and left side of my head, usually accompanied by slight dizziness. These sensations in all three areas simultaneously fluctuate in...
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26.03.2013 | answered by Christian Welsch
To my story:
In June/July of last year, I had to take time off work due to exhaustion (burnout syndrome). During this time, I underwent medical examinations (stomach + colonoscopy, abdominal CT, thyroid nuclear scan + endocrinological examination) a...
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26.05.2011 | answered by Ralf Berg
Some background information: in the summer of 2009, I had panic attacks and then spent 2 months in a clinic. I had developed strong health anxiety due to dizziness attacks, and stress (separation from the mother of my son and work-related str...
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20.05.2011 | answered by Ralf Berg
Hello, I have a question because I feel abandoned by the doctors. It all started in March 2010. Suddenly I had diarrhea, my stomach was upset, and my circulation was completely out of whack. Additionally, I would wake up in the morning with heart pal...
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27.02.2011 | answered by Freddy Feuerstein
I am very desperate and can't cope at the moment, I have the worst perception disorders right now, as if I am not completely there, just like drunk, and everything I see especially outside with distant objects is like through a video camera.
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