Dizziness, fatigue, eye fixation disorder
I am very desperate and can't cope at the moment, I have the worst perception disorders right now, as if I am not completely there, just like drunk, and everything I see especially outside with distant objects is like through a video camera.
Do I possibly have a burnout syndrome, which causes these symptoms so long and severe? Why do I feel worse in the mornings or when I am outside and look at distant objects, and when I move my head, my eyes sometimes have to readjust to the object and feel like trembling briefly until I can see an object clearly. I can see everything sharply, even distant objects, but it is shaky and focusing is very very difficult, nothing was found by the eye doctor. Neurologically after MRI 2 times and visually evoked potentials all without findings. It can't all be psychological, especially since I lead a quiet and healthy life.
Medical history of
DOB 12.12.1970
Personal medical history:
2001: Nasal septum deviation (nasal septum surgery) Dr. Prechtel ENT 2001 at Sophien-Klinik Hannover 01.11.2001 to 09.11.2001 (with reports 02.04.2001 and Sophienklinik report) previously took Nasivin drops for years (Oxymetazoline hydrochloride)
2010: Inguinal hernia surgery on the left on 04.05.2010 at Klinikum Großburgwedel (03.05.2010 to 06.05.2010 inpatient) general anesthesia laparoscopic abdominal intervention through the navel
Chickenpox disease 2003 treatment Dr. Zuric Hambühren, Ostlandstraße 12, 29313 Hambühren
Hay fever allergies since 1982, first hyposensitization already in 1983 to 1985
Known allergies: turpentine, hay fever, pollen and grasses, cashew nuts, Brazil nuts, kiwi fruits
No disability.
Current medical history:
Since June 2009 constantly tired and high need for sleep on weekends. Alcohol denied, smoking 1 pack a day (20 cigarettes).
Phobic vertigo, psychosocial overload situation since 14.01.2010, left tinnitus since 2008 (humming sound) and since July 2010 additional whistle tone 12 KHz, frequent headaches, frequent eye pressure, hyposensitization September 2009, left inguinal hernia in April 2010 after surgery on 04.05.2010 well healed, right eye corneal injury Feb. 2010 already treated with antibiotics Floral for 10 days, limitations in concentration and stress situations (department store, hospital, loud noises, children screaming, then dizziness and head contracting in crowds, in windowless