
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Sales tax / Turnover tax

Flat-rate taxation according to § 19 (2) UStG

Apartment rented to private individual; self-occupied house with a photovoltaic system on the roof for electricity feed-in; waiver of the application of the small business regulation (§ 19 para. 1 UStG) for the purpose of input tax deduction regarding the acquisition costs of the photovoltaic system.
Must value added tax also be added to the rent (see § 4 No. 12a UStG)? If yes, what is the consequence if the value added tax cannot be passed on to the tenant (private individual)?

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Dear client,

Thank you for your inquiry, which I would like to answer based on your information and in the context of your efforts in a first consultation as follows:

You own 2 properties:

a) You rent out a condominium to a private individual
b) You own a house exclusively for your own use, on the roof of which you have installed a photovoltaic system.

From a VAT perspective, the rental of the condominium and the operation of the photovoltaic system are part of your overall business, so VAT-wise there is only ONE business. However, a business can generate taxable income and/or tax-exempt income. In your case, regardless of the photovoltaic system, you continue to generate tax-exempt income from the rental. As a result, you do not have to charge VAT on the rental income. There is no change in the rental income.

I hope my explanations have been helpful to you.

Best regards,

Ulrich Stiller
Tax Advisor

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Experte für Sales tax / Turnover tax

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Dipl.BW/SB Ulrich Stiller

Leonberg, Württ

Seit ca. 46 Jahren im Steuerrecht tätig, davon seit 1981 selbständig als Steuerberater. Ich berate Arbeitnehmer, Unternehmer und Unternehmen sowie Privatpersonen. Ein Schwerpunkt meiner Tätigkeit ist die bundesweite Vertretung von Steuerpflichtigen vor den Straf-und Bußgeldstellen der Finanzämter einschl. der Steuerfahndung, wenn ein Steuerstrafverfahren eingeleitet worden ist. Desweiteren vertrete ich Steuerpflichtige im Rahmen von Rechtsbehelfsverfahren vor den Finanzämtern und führe Klageverfahren vor allen deutschen Finanzgerichten einschl. des Bundesfinanzhofesfinanzhofs zur Durchsetzung Ihrer Rechte durch.

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