
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Real estate taxation

actual purchase price higher

I am buying a house (for personal use) for 170,000 euros. In the sales contract, 130,000 euros are specified (40,000 euros to be paid after the notary appointment). So, I am saving some real estate transfer tax. I am in tax class 1 and have an annual gross income of 60,000 euros. Is it worth it?

StB Kiehne Katja Kiehne

Dear inquirer,

In the context of an initial consultation and considering your fee commitment, I will answer your question as follows:

If you carry out the transaction as described, you are evading real estate transfer taxes. Because you are intentionally keeping the tax office unaware of the actual purchase price in order to evade taxes. Tax evasion according to § 370 of the Tax Code is a tax offense. Assuming a real estate transfer tax rate of 3.5% (varies by state), you would be evading taxes in the amount of €1,400 (3.5% of €40,000).

Best regards,

Katja Kiehne
Tax advisor
Master of Business Consulting (M.BC.)
Dipl.-Finanzwirtin (FH)

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Experte für Real estate taxation

StB Kiehne Katja Kiehne

StB Kiehne Katja Kiehne


Steuerberaterin seit 1998
Kanzlei mit Schwerpunkt Mandanten aus dem Gesundheitsbereich
Gutachterin im Bereich Umsatzsteuer und Internationales Steuerrecht
(Fortbildung über Zertifikatskurs an der Hochschule Wismar Mediatorin FH)

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