Daily allowance expenses for assignments abroad
The following situation:
Last year, I worked as an employee for the organization "Doctors Without Borders" for 3.5 months (German employment contract), and was sent to a project in a developing country for the entire duration, which was regulated in a secondment contract. My salary was paid monthly into my German account, and I received a "field per diem" in local currency monthly while on site. The "field per diem" is significantly lower than the flat rate for additional meal expenses. I was accommodated for free in a house provided by the organization in the host country.
On the wage tax certificate, 30% of this "field per diem" was declared, partly as "Tax-free meal allowance" (No. 20) and partly as "Tax-free employer benefit for double household management" (No. 21).
My question(s):
1. Can I claim the flat rate for additional meal expenses for the 3.5 months abroad for tax purposes? After all, the reason was not a business trip or a work-related travel. My assignment to the developing country was essentially the reason for my employment.
2. The remaining 70% of the "field per diem" is not documented anywhere, as I have no receipts for it (the money was pooled from all participants and used to purchase food locally). Should I enter this amount under "Tax-free reimbursements have been paid that are not included in the wage tax certificate"? Is the fact that I have no receipts relevant?
I would greatly appreciate your response!
Best regards!