
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Social security law

Statutory Health Insurance

I live in Spain for about 5-6 months a year. My main residence is in Germany. About 5 years ago, I had a heart attack. I was (and still am) insured with BEK and have the inpatient supplementary tariff SM 9 with DKV. In case of emergency, I was admitted to a private clinic. I had to pay upfront. BEK reimbursed me based on the invoice with the German rate, but requested a medical certificate confirming it was an emergency. Since BEK had already paid, DKV covered the remaining amount, so I didn't lose anything.

Now the question is - if I have to go to the hospital again (in Spain), I don't want to go to the public (poor) hospital with the EU card, but rather to a private clinic and pay privately, hoping for reimbursement.

Does BEK have to pay the German rate even if there is no acute emergency (and then DKV pays the rest due to prior payment, and I don't lose anything)? I also have the freedom to choose my doctor for outpatient treatment in Europe and will only receive the German rate - DKV will cover the difference after my payment. So, should I also have the option to choose a private clinic for hospital treatment?

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