
Ask a lawyer on the topic of Labor law


Dear Sir or Madam,

I have made a big mistake for the second time. In December 2008, I was convicted of embezzlement in 2 cases, one of which was committed in conjunction with theft, resulting in a total fine of 90 daily rates, each daily rate being 60 euros.

Now, due to financial problems at my new employer, I sold materials worth a total of 5,000 euros on eBay. This was noticed and I was questioned, and under massive pressure from my boss, I admitted to the theft and was terminated immediately.

What can I do now? I offered to immediately repay the damages to my former boss, but he refused to listen and wants to report it to the authorities.

What can I do now? In the worst case scenario, am I facing a prison sentence, or would I possibly receive a suspended sentence if convicted?

Thank you.


Steffan Schwerin

Dear questioner,

I will answer the questions you have asked taking into consideration the circumstances described and your commitment as follows:

Here come the offenses of embezzlement, misappropriation, and theft.

- Embezzlement, § 266 of the German Criminal Code (StGB): The penalty ranges from a fine to 5 years in prison (for particularly serious cases up to 10 years).

- Misappropriation, § 246 StGB: Imprisonment of up to three years or a fine.

- Theft, § 242 StGB: Imprisonment of up to five years or a fine.

Even if there is a relevant previous conviction, it is unlikely to result in a prison sentence, but at most a suspended sentence.

You must compensate the employer for the damage caused. If the employer does not wish to refrain from filing a criminal complaint, there is nothing you can do.

As soon as you receive a summons for questioning by the police, you should immediately hire a lawyer and have them defend you. The lawyer will then work with you to develop an appropriate defense strategy.

I must point out that this platform cannot replace a comprehensive and personal legal consultation. The sole purpose is to provide an initial rough assessment of your legal problem based on the information you have provided to a lawyer. The legal advice I have given is based solely on the information you have provided. By adding or omitting relevant information in the context of your description of the circumstances, a completely different legal assessment may result.

I hope I have given you an initial overview and that my explanations will help you. Please feel free to contact me through the follow-up option on this platform.

Furthermore, I am available for further assistance within the scope of a mandate. I would credit the initial consultation fee in full.

A greater distance between lawyer and client is generally not a problem. With the help of modern communication tools such as email, mail, fax, and telephone, a mandate execution is also possible.

Best regards,

Steffan Schwerin

Law Office of Steffan Schwerin
Golmsdorfer Straße 11
07749 Jena

Tel: 03641 801257
Fax: 032121128582



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Experte für Labor law

Steffan Schwerin

Steffan Schwerin


Die Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Steffan Schwerin berät Sie in (fast) allen rechtlichen Lebenslagen. Ich verstehe mich als Dienstleister - getreu dem Motto: Recht haben - Recht durchsetzen - Recht bekommen, berate ich meine Mandanten und wir erarbeiten gemeinsam einen Lösungsweg. Ich vertrete Ihre Interessen außergerichtlich und auch gerichtlich. Ich arbeite vorzugsweise in den Rechtsgebieten Internetrecht, Arbeitsrecht, Sozialrecht, Mietrecht, aber auch im Familien-, Erb- und Strafrecht. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bildet das Vertragsrecht (Mietverträge, Leihverträge, Eheverträge, Kaufverträge, Darlehensverträge, Leasingverträge, Werkverträge, Dienstleistungsverträge, Arbeitsverträge, Aufhebungsverträge, Geheimhaltungsvereinbarungen, Kooperationsvereinbarungen, Bauverträge, Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen - AGB); hier prüfe ich bestehende Verträge und AGB für Sie oder erstelle Verträge und AGB nach Ihren Anforderungen. Darüber hinaus sind auch Gewerbetreibende, Freiberufler und Unternehmen angesprochen, sich durch meine Kanzlei beraten und vertreten zu lassen.

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