No certificate despite passing the language test?
Dear Sir or Madam,
In April, my husband took a German exam at a VHS in Berlin. Since this exam was based on a suggestion from the naturalization office, the result was internally forwarded to them. Unfortunately, both the VHS and the naturalization office refuse to provide him with a confirmation or official notification of his positive exam result!
This is disastrous for my husband! He has been striving for a presentable German certification for more than five years - so far without success. We have already invested over 5000 € in various courses and tutoring sessions, but apart from a dozen A2 certificates from various VHS, all these efforts have been in vain. Passing the B1 exam at the VHS was a ray of hope after a long period of suffering and frustration for my husband, as it gave him hope of finally being able to start looking for work. With his A2 certificate, he has been rejected everywhere so far. (There is also little hope for him to pass such an exam again in the near future, as the aforementioned exam was apparently subject to different criteria and much easier than the previous ones.)
Since he only has a few years left until retirement and he finally wants to bring money home instead of always causing new expenses, it is extremely important for both of us to finally have a form in hand with which he can introduce himself to potential employers.
By the way, we believe that one should generally be entitled to a certificate after passing an exam.
Therefore, our question to you is: Is it possible to demand or sue for this?
Thank you in advance for your efforts!
Kind regards,