Cheekbone fracture/contusion
last Saturday I fell off my bike sideways and landed directly on my temple/cheekbone. The temple immediately swelled up. About 2 hours later, my eye turned blue and the tear sac started to get thicker. On Sunday, I went to the emergency room and had an X-ray done, which showed no signs of a fracture in the cheekbone, no mirror image. It was mentioned that this can only be 100% ruled out through a CT scan. Yesterday, the orthopedist said that a CT scan is not necessary - just wait and see.
The blue eye is changing in color - it is already getting lighter, but I still have a huge tear sac that has not changed so far. Is this normal (or is there something wrong with the tear bone)? How long can it take for it to get smaller? Do you recommend a CT scan?
As for the pain: I can feel that the temple still hurts when touched (the point where I fell) and the cheekbone also hurts, from there towards the eye it hurts when touched (the bone hurts - not the tissue). Would it also hurt if nothing is broken? Thank you very much.