Create MRI report ankle joint
In 2012, an MRI was performed on me, unfortunately without any findings.
In the following link, you will find images of my foot, the MRI CD, and X-rays of the right ankle.
Could you please create a new report for me, maybe my radiologist overlooked something!
It could also be that not only the ligaments on the right and left side were damaged, as seen in the image with red crosses!
Brief explanation:
In January 2012, I stepped on a tube (approximately 80mm in diameter), causing me to twist my ankle and fall. I couldn't move for about 10 minutes.
The next day, I went to my general practitioner, who told me I had a sprained ankle. He also said that the swelling and pain would disappear after about 2 weeks.
I had such pain in my foot that I couldn't put weight on it. The pain was not only on the right and left sides of the foot but also on the ankle when viewed from above (see photo with red crosses).
After about three months, I could walk somewhat again, but during those three months, I couldn't raise or lower my foot.
After about 9 months, I went to see a surgeon again, where X-rays and an MRI were performed. I experienced significant pain in my foot during the MRI examination (pulsating pain).
According to the doctor, several ligaments were torn during the accident, which had already healed.
The pain was supposed to disappear after some time.
I waited and waited again, the pain was sometimes less, sometimes stronger.
In 2013, I visited an orthopedist and told him my medical history.
He then prescribed me a support stocking, which provided some relief.
Since the pain did not go away after some time, a heat and cold therapy was prescribed to me. During the heat therapy, the pain on the left side below the ankle became even stronger!
After about four sessions, I stopped the therapy because the pain only got worse (the therapy was prescribed by a substitute doctor).
In 2015, I went to Dr. med.
Specialist in Trauma Surgery and Orthopedics, Specialist in General Surgery,
Specialist in Trauma Surgery
where my foot was x-rayed again.
They couldn't find anything wrong with my foot. But because I was in pain, a paid medication was injected into my ankle (anti-inflammatory?)
I had this medication injected about 4 times without any noticeable improvement.