
Ask a doctor on the topic of Other questions to doctors

Psychological question / Partnership

I have been happily together with my girlfriend for 3 years. We wanted to get married next year. However, she suddenly said that she has developed feelings for a colleague. The problem is her inner conflict... On one hand, she says she is happy with me, nothing is missing, and the other man is not the man she would want to have a long-term relationship with, 95% of the time. On the other hand, she feels so drawn to this person that she can't handle it anymore. I don't understand the world anymore. If she doesn't try it with him, she won't be happy. Should I give up the partnership and the child (not biologically mine) to give her the chance to try? How does such a problem arise when she actually has nothing missing? She is blaming herself heavily for this and I don't want to lose her.

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