Testicular cancer AFP value
Hello, my name is Julian and I am 29 years old!
I was diagnosed with testicular cancer on 1.09.2021 (pure seminoma).
At that time, nothing was found in the CT scan and all tumor markers were within the normal range. So Stage 1! We agreed on a "Wait and See" approach.
Two weeks ago, 3 months after the surgery, at the first follow-up examination (only tumor markers), an elevated AFP value was detected: 10.1 (normal range up to 8.1). Shortly after the surgery, the value was 7.7. My doctor told me not to worry, but I have been shaking with fear all over my body for the past 2 weeks!
Tomorrow I have to go for another blood test for tumor markers + liver values for safety reasons.
How do you assess the situation regarding the elevated AFP value of 10.1? It's strange because normally a pure seminoma doesn't produce AFP. Should I now also be worried about another type of cancer?
Best regards,