
Ask a doctor on the topic of Neurology

Dent on the head

We noticed a dent on the top left of our son's head at around 7 months old. This is visible on the X-rays and the brain wave measurement did not show anything abnormal. The dent is still there and has not changed. The doctors suspect it may have been caused by a fall or possibly from a vacuum extraction birth. I have noticed that the left pupil is occasionally larger than the right, usually in the evening or when Lian is very tired. Could this be a sign of increased brain pressure or a tumor originating from the dent? Thank you.

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Experte für Neurology Tobias Theben Tobias Theben


Promotion in Kardiologie, 2003.

Spezialisierung in Fußchirurgie (DAF-Zertifikat) und Arthroskopie
Zusatzbezeichnungen: Sportmedizin, Manuelle Therapie, Akupunktur

Ultraschalldiagnostik (vor allem Säuglingshüftsonographie+Bewegungsorgane)
Notfallmedizin (shock-raum management, ATFL)

langjährige Erfahrung in Klinik und Praxis.

seit Juli 2013 Privatpraxis Orthopädie Köln-Lindenthal

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