
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Stomach pain

Stomach pain, what are the reasons usually

Juliane Theben

Dear Inquirer,

Your question is very general and, without knowing you better, can only be answered superficially. First of all, I assume that you are a healthy person without any other pre-existing conditions.
One of the most common reasons in our "fast-paced age" is simply stress. Stress leads to increased stomach acid production, which irritates your stomach lining and eventually causes you to feel stomach pain. If other "co-factors" come into play such as smoking, spicy food, high coffee consumption, citrus fruits, high alcohol consumption, etc., they additionally attack the stomach lining.
Therefore, as a very first piece of advice: consider how high your stress level is in your daily life/work. Additionally, an important question: What are your eating habits????

If changing your "lifestyle habits" does not alleviate the stomach pain, I would recommend seeing your primary care physician and discussing a long-term treatment plan for your symptoms with them. It may be necessary to use "acid blockers" to truly manage the irritation of your stomach lining. This is not a big deal, but these tablets should definitely be taken under medical supervision. Furthermore, your primary care physician will consider with you when and if it is advisable to perform an endoscopy, as stomach ulcers or bacterial colonization of the stomach lining can also cause stomach pain.

I hope this answer has been helpful to you and wish you a speedy recovery.

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Experte für General medicine

Juliane Theben

Juliane Theben


Ich bin im 4.Jahr meiner Assistenzarztausbildung und mache im Mai 2011 meinen Facharzt. Da in meiner Ausbildungsklinik, das St.Elisabeth-KH-Hohenlindt in Köln, das größte Brustzentrum in NRW und auch deutschlandweit integriert ist,habe ich viel Erfahrung rund um Mamma-Erkrankungen (benigne wie maligne):Diagnostik,Therapiemethoden,OP-Methoden/intraoperative Bestrahlung,adjuvante Therapiemethoden:Chemotherapie,Bestrahlung, Antihormonelle Therapie.
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