
Ask a doctor on the topic of Internal medicine

Just gastritis?


for almost 3 weeks out of nowhere I have been suffering from heartburn, bloating especially after eating, stomach pain, lots of stomach noises, pressure feeling, belching... I never had such problems before.
My general practitioner prescribed me Pantoprazole for 2 weeks.
I have been taking it for 2 weeks now, but the symptoms persist.
I am supposed to see him again on Monday.
Since the medication is not really working, I have googled and came across stomach cancer.
Since then, my symptoms have worsened, as I am now experiencing panic attacks and insomnia.
I am terrified of tests and a serious diagnosis.
I simply do not know what to do and I am mentally and physically exhausted.
I am a 43-year-old woman, slim and regularly exercise.
Perhaps you can give me some good advice...
Best regards

med. pract. Arzt Online


Your symptoms suggest a gastric inflammation.

Frequent is common in medicine, which is why the Pantoprazole therapy prescribed by your general practitioner was the right approach. Stress ulcers, also known as "gastric ulcers", are common. Gastric carcinomas are rare but must be ruled out.

In order to make an accurate diagnosis, based on the information available to me, I recommend a gastroscopy. Considering the worsening of your condition, you may want to ask to bring forward the appointment with your general practitioner and then be referred to a gastroenterologist.

You should try to stay calm. As mentioned before, stress alone can cause such symptoms. It is one of the most common causes of similar complaints like yours.

Important: If the pain increases significantly, you should seek immediate medical attention.

I hope this helps, if not, please feel free to ask.

Get well soon.

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med. pract. Arzt Online

med. pract. Arzt Online


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