
Ask a doctor on the topic of Gynecology

pregnant from pre-ejaculate

Hello! Two days ago I had petting with my boyfriend. We didn't have intercourse because I'm currently not taking the pill due to intolerance. However, he rubbed his penis against my vagina and definitely touched the entrance with the tip, pressing against it a little. He said that pre-ejaculate fluid came out. Could I be pregnant now? I could see from the cervical mucus that it wasn't during fertile days. Are there sperm in pre-ejaculate fluid? Can they travel from the entrance of the vagina to the uterus and cause a pregnancy? Please help me urgently!

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Good evening,

The pre-ejaculate can indeed contain sperm, but they only survive outside the vagina for a very short time. The penetration to the uterus is practically not possible for any sperm from the pre-ejaculate due to the barrier of the vagina. Therefore, I do not see any risk of pregnancy.

Do you have any questions about this? I am happy to help.

Best regards,

Dr. K. Hamann

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Experte für Gynecology

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann

Dr. med. Kathrin Hamann


Seit mehr als 20 Jahren bin ich in der Medizin tätig. Als Fachärztin für Allgemeinmedizin helfe ich in meiner Praxis meinen Patienten.

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