
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Sore throat


I have pain when swallowing on the left side and I have noticed for some time that there are redness at the back of my throat on the left and right sides next to the uvula for some time now. I smoke and also drink alcohol occasionally.

Best regards

Juliane Theben

Dear Questioner,

In the throat area, behind the central "uvula", are the "tonsils" on the right and left. In a healthy person, they are not very noticeable, but if there is "an infection on the way", these tonsils are like the body's first "police station" that sounds the alarm. If this "police station" detects an infection in the body, they can swell, making them much more visible and can be perceived as a "lump in the throat" or even sore throat. If these sore throats occur without fever, they can be well treated with over-the-counter flu remedies as part of a cold. However, if fever + chills + body aches occur additionally, or if it is indeed just a unilateral sore throat with only swelling of one tonsil, I strongly advise you to consult a specialist in otolaryngology to rule out conditions that can only be treated with antibiotic therapy. If you see white spots/streaks on the tonsils, I also recommend that you visit an ENT doctor or general practitioner, as in this case as well, only antibiotic therapy is effective. I hope I could help you with my answer and wish you a speedy recovery!

Best regards,

J. Theben

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Experte für General medicine

Juliane Theben

Juliane Theben


Ich bin im 4.Jahr meiner Assistenzarztausbildung und mache im Mai 2011 meinen Facharzt. Da in meiner Ausbildungsklinik, das St.Elisabeth-KH-Hohenlindt in Köln, das größte Brustzentrum in NRW und auch deutschlandweit integriert ist,habe ich viel Erfahrung rund um Mamma-Erkrankungen (benigne wie maligne):Diagnostik,Therapiemethoden,OP-Methoden/intraoperative Bestrahlung,adjuvante Therapiemethoden:Chemotherapie,Bestrahlung, Antihormonelle Therapie.
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