Phlegm in the throat
Good evening, I have been dealing with annoying phlegm in my throat for a while now, as well as occasional coughing. In the mornings and after eating, I always have an increase in phlegm that I try to clear my throat of. In addition, I initially had a sore throat. The ENT specialist suspected silent reflux and prescribed Pantozol and then Omeprazole. The sore throat is almost gone now, it only comes back when I clear my throat too much, but the phlegm is persistent and doesn't go away. Sometimes I feel like there is a lump of phlegm stuck in my chest, that's how it occasionally feels. My ENT specialist wants to see me again next week if it doesn't get better. Should I maybe see another doctor? Or are these symptoms typical for reflux? This constant clearing of my throat is annoying, I'm afraid to eat because I always have to clear my throat so much afterwards. Two days ago, I had severe stomach cramps and nausea, so I hardly ate anything and had some relief from the phlegm. Now that the nausea is subsiding and I'm eating normally again, I'm completely congested with phlegm. Please advise, thank you very much!