
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Pain only in the right side of the head and right leg.

Dear Doctor,

Since we are currently in an Arabic-speaking country, it is quite difficult to find a doctor and explain the issue - especially during Ramadan.

With temperatures well above 40 degrees Celsius, there is extreme dryness in the air, leading to people spending most of their time in air-conditioned rooms.

Our 25-year-old house help has been complaining of severe headaches for the past 3 days, but it is only affecting the right side of her head: particularly the right forehead and the back of her neck on the right side. Since this morning, she has also been experiencing cramp-like pain in her right leg, similar to rheumatism, from the thigh to the knee.

Other than that, she has no other pains, no fever, or any other illnesses or abnormalities.

Last night, she took Panadol, which did not help.

What should we do? What measures or medication do you recommend? Is it dangerous?

Thank you for your help and best regards,

Dr. med. Christoph Schmülling

Dear seeker of advice,

naturally, a remote diagnosis cannot be made, but in the case of newly occurring permanent headaches, it is an "alarm symptom" that does not allow any compromises in further action. The headaches may ultimately prove to be harmless, but it must be ensured that they do not have any threatening causes. Unfortunately, in this case, I urgently request you to consult a doctor immediately and have the patient examined on site. There is no alternative to this.

With best wishes and kind regards,

Dr. Christoph Schmülling, MD

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Experte für General medicine

Dr. med. Christoph Schmülling

Dr. med. Christoph Schmülling


Internist seit 1998, Oberarzt mit Schwerpunkt Intensivmedizin bis Ende 2003, Niederlassung 2004 in einer allgemeinmedizinisch-internistischen Gemeinschaftspraxis in Köln,

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