
Ask a doctor on the topic of General medicine

Gastrointestinal problems

Good day,

I am male, 49 years old, 173 cm / 74 kg.
I am physically fit (actually...), I run 10km 2-3 times a week, the health check in winter was completely fine, blood pressure 120:80.
But: for years I have had - actually continuously - gastrointestinal problems: diarrhea, bloating, fatty stool.
The whole thing escalated a few weeks ago when I had to take a medication (which almost never happens;
Diclo..... for inflammation of the tissue between the shinbone and muscle, according to the diagnosis).
In addition, I have been experiencing erectile problems for several months (completely new and very irritating) and often have very cold hands (I am usually rather "warm-blooded" and sweat more than I freeze.
Lactose and fructose intolerance are more than a suspicion; here I avoid all questionable foods as much as possible - but there has been little improvement
(less diarrhea, but consistently fatty stool and bloating). Last week, I did 1.5 water fasting days, which was good for my stomach; but already in the afternoon of the first day, I had headaches and quite severe limb pains, even though I drank liters of water.
The following days, I gradually reintroduced various foods: first bread, then bread with cold cuts, then fish with salad and so on; the "stumbling block" was the red wine test on the third day (strictly medical, of course...), which led me to the topic of histamine - but this is also just a suspicion; I would prefer facts......
Thank you for your response!

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Your gastrointestinal problems are certainly based on intolerances or allergies. The diarrhea, bloating, and fatty stools are precisely the symptoms here. Your suspicions should be supported by definitive allergy tests.

The most important ones are listed again:

Gluten (Celiac disease)

Please consult an internist for the examination. Furthermore, a gastroscopy and colonoscopy would be sensible to rule out bacterial colonization of the stomach and inflammatory bowel disease.

Diclofenac irritates the gastric mucosa, and with high or prolonged intake, gastric bleeding can even occur. Since there may be bacterial colonization, you did not tolerate the medication well. Diclo is often prescribed with a so-called gastric protection.

Fatty stools: Please also have the pancreas examined for inflammation, diabetes...?

Regarding the erection problems, it should be noted that these can often occur at this age. Inquire about smoking, lipid levels, cholesterol, atherosclerosis. If necessary, have the blood flow to the penis measured (urologist) to approach the origin of the discomfort. Psychological factors must also be considered here.

You have quite a few examinations ahead of you!

Wishing you all the best,

Kind regards,

Dr. Schröter

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Experte für Internal medicine

Dr. med. Michael Schröter

Dr. med. Michael Schröter


Seit 10 Jahren niedergelassener Frauenarzt, vorher Oberarzt der Universitäts-Frauenklinik Tübingen


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