Poor liver values GGT 192 GPT 120 GOT 59
I am very scared.
Three weeks ago I went to the doctor for back pain in the upper left shoulder. I have been feeling somewhat tired for the past two years, but I attribute it to getting older.
The doctor did an ECG, blood test, and urine test.
The urine was okay.
ECG was also okay.
I was called about the blood test results. The liver values are not good.
I went back to the doctor and he is sending me for an MRI.
The liver values were as follows:
G-GT: 192
GPT: 120
GOT: 59
AP: 78
CHE: 11.2
BILD 0.21
Other values (listed for completeness):
LDH: 225
AMYL: 81
CHOL: 246
TRIG: 225
HDL: 37
LDL: 176
NA: 136
K: 4.4
CA: 2.31
FE: 131
LEUKO: 5.4
ERY: 4.76
HB: 15.2
HCT: 43%
MCV: 90
HBE: 32
MCHC: 36
PLTC: 268
Ultrasound has not been done yet. I have an MRI appointment on 09.10.
My father died four years ago from pancreatic cancer (with metastases to the liver). His mother died of liver cancer at 55.
I am now in panic mode because of the MRI and the values, and I have been researching for hours on the internet. Normally, I don't go to the doctor often and I am not usually anxious.
I am severely overweight (at least 25 kg).
I would assess my diet as problematic in terms of fat, fast food, and habits.
However, for the past three years, I have been regularly taking 20 mg of Omeprazole daily. Very rarely (once every six to seven weeks, two Paracetamol 500 for headaches)
For about half a year, I have been going to the beer garden with friends regularly two to three times in the evenings.
However, I must say that on other days I do not drink any alcohol, and on beer garden days, I usually have one to two beers and sometimes a Sambuca (0.02) on the house.
However, there were four occasions between May and August this year where I ended up drinking more due to peer pressure. By "more" I mean that there were already about four to five wheat beers and five/six Sambuca.
I immediately stopped all alcohol consumption after seeing these results.
Now my question is: Can such bad values still come from diet or the aforementioned amounts of alcohol, or should I be prepared for the worst?
One more thing: Two days before the blood test, I also went to the beer garden in the evening. However, I only had a Radler and a Sambuca. The evening before the blood test, I had two glasses of red wine. But I was completely sober when I appeared for the test.
Could it really be because of that? I hope so.
I am really scared of the MRI.
Best regards