

Raising donations for a school in Kenya.

Hello, I hope you can help me with the topic of donations. At the turn of the year, I came across a school in Kenya that is led by a pastor and his family. He teaches over 450 orphans, feeds hungry children in his region, supports them medically, b...

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Small business regulation

Scenario: Income from teaching activities in 2017 is under €17,500. Expected income in 2018 possibly (decision to be made in May/June 2018) over €50,000. (likely a one-time larger contract) Can the income from 2017 be split between two individuals (...

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Tax liability for foreign accounts

Assuming a German taxpayer brought securities (real shares, fixed-income securities, and accumulating money market instruments) across the border into a newly opened account in Switzerland in 2004 and had them redeemed/sold from there. It is clear th...

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Properly document income from operations

Dear Sir or Madam, I recently started my own business as a provider of training courses and now I want to expand my operations. I would like to ensure that my accounting is done correctly from the beginning, so that it can withstand the scrutiny of ...

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Support despite care level

Good day, how do I deal with the following situation tax-wise, my mother-in-law is 82 years old and suffers from dementia, care level 1. Every day, also several times a day, at least 400 times in the year 2014, my wife goes to her mother before wor...

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Tax class

Good morning. Here is my question: I have been living separately since 2013 and probably should have changed my tax class to class 1 at the beginning of this year. I have not done that yet. Last week I received a letter from the tax office with my da...

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Start a side business

Since this year, smoke detectors have been mandatory in Baden-Württemberg, and now I would like to start my own business as a part-time specialist for smoke detectors. This would involve selling, installing, and maintaining smoke detectors. I could d...

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Capital from abroad to Germany

Hello, my wife and I are foreigners. My wife currently has a temporary residence permit. I have a permanent residence permit. We want to bring my wife's capital from abroad to Germany. This concerns money that has been taxed abroad and the property ...

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Alternative assessment basis

I owned € 20,000 in mortgage shares of WGF AG, Düsseldorf. WGF AG went bankrupt in December 2012. Subsequently, in January 2013, I transferred these securities via securities account transfer to Valora AG, Ettlingen and then sold them to Valora AG (p...

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Invoice details

Good day, I work as a freelance architect and have an architecture office (with 5 employees). According to the regulations of the UStG (German VAT law), it is necessary for the input tax deduction that the recipient's address is complete on invoices...

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Participation certificate in insolvency

Dear Sir or Madam, I have a profit-sharing certificate (acquired 03/2009, term 3 years) of a non-listed AG, which has been in regular insolvency since 02/2011. As far as I know, a profit-sharing certificate is only "subordinated" and I assume that I...

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Submission via Elster

Last year I submitted my tax return via Elster as usual. The tax office initially imposed fines on me. Then I informed them that I had submitted it via Elster and it was cancelled. Now I had to submit my parents' tax return by 21.10.2010. I also sub...

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Inquiries from the tax office

Hello, I have the following question or problem: I was self-employed until 31.12.2009. I then submitted my tax returns for 2008 and 2009 at the beginning of the year. Now, since April 2009, I have been separated from my husband. During the move, all...

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Repayment bond replacement assessment basis

I purchased several fixed-rate bonds through Volksbank in 2007 and earlier, and stored them in my depot with them. I acquired the bonds at approximately their nominal value; I no longer have the purchase receipts. In February 2008, I transferred the ...

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Turbo certificates

Dear Sir or Madam, A leveraged certificate that I purchased was knocked out early. Its current price is therefore 0.001 euros. Do I have to sell it at this price in order to deduct the loss for tax purposes, or does this happen automatically? In oth...

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