

Transition allowance

Hello Mr. Thomas, since 1.2.2019 I have been receiving a company pension of EUR 213.18. (Total for 2019: EUR 2,346.00) Additionally, from Feb 2019 to July 2019, I received a transitional allowance TA of 6 times EUR 2,097.38. In my 2019 tax return, I ...

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Tax return of a wealth-managing GbR

Hello, I am currently working on the tax return of an asset-managing GbR. We only have income from capital gains, from a foreign bank. As far as I know, to declare the tax for the GbR, only a separate and uniform determination declaration is require...

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Asset management GmbH Business object

Good day, I am planning to establish a new company (GmbH) at the beginning of next year. Currently, I am still unsure about the correct business purpose. Below, I describe the purpose of the company and hope you can answer the open questions based on...

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Liquidation balance

A KG is being liquidated. There is a limited partner and a general partner involved in the KG. Both have made equal contributions. Due to compensation for services, withdrawals, profits and losses, the capital accounts as of 31.12.2019 are, for examp...

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Establishing a GmbH?

Hello, I am an employee with a gross salary of 34500 € and I have three rented properties. I pay 630€ in interest for the loans on the properties and have 1470€ for repayment and cash flow. Now I would like to open a brokerage account (starting with ...

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Taxation of income from dog breeding hobby?

My wife is a housewife and I am an employee. Annual income around 100k EUR. We have a female dog that my wife wants to breed for the first time in summer 2020. Then once a year. We can sell the puppies for around 2,000 EUR each. Possibly adding a sec...

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The text translates to: Speculation tax

Hello, I have an urgent question regarding the speculation tax. My father, who passed away in 2018, jointly purchased an apartment with my mother in 2004 for 240,000€, which was rented out to my grandmother. In their divorce in 2010, my father acqu...

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How can I deduct the commission from taxes?

Now I own a UG company, maybe soon I will sign an NCDMA contract for a person as a commission. Can I deduct the commission from my taxes later? Or how can I deduct the amount from taxes? Under commission or consultation or how? And under which paragr...

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Rental income for small business owners

Hello, I am a small business owner in the cosmetics industry and have the following question: I sublet my studio to a colleague and would like to know if these rental income count towards the business income (with a limit of 17,500.00 EUR). That is: ...

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VAT on used goods sold abroad

Hello, I buy used audio equipment and resell it on eBay using the margin scheme according to section 25a of the German VAT Act. Sometimes I also sell only parts from these devices. I often sell abroad, within the EU and to the rest of the world. My ...

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Allowance in income tax

I have invested in a film fund that will be dissolved in 12/2019. The distribution due there is considered income from commercial business. Since I already sold a wind power fund 4 years ago, in which I claimed § 16 para. 4 EStG, I now personally hav...

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Tax treatment of real estate GbR

We (mother, father, and sons) plan to buy a property as a GbR. 1) Does a pure real estate GbR need to be registered with the tax office (tax number)? 2) Can mortgage interest be claimed as a tax deduction if the borrower is not the GbR, but a shareh...

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