

Tax-free turnover

As a freelance artist, I am subject to regular taxation. I have questions regarding value added tax and income tax. 1.) I also conduct workshops at a general education school, which children attend voluntarily. Are these services exempt from tax acc...

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CHILD BENEFIT - Am I entitled to it or not? :)

DEAR MR. TAX ADVISOR, DEAR MRS. TAX ADVISOR, FIRST, SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT ME: I am 22 years old, married, childless and I am obtaining my high school diploma through a second educational path. Every month, I receive 572 euros of independ...

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Consulting Business economist

Dear Sir or Madam, I intend to start my own business as a "consulting business economist" or "business consultant". I have informed the tax office about registering a self-employed activity because I believe it falls under a freelance activity (§18 ...

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