Consulting Business economist
Dear Sir or Madam,
I intend to start my own business as a "consulting business economist" or "business consultant". I have informed the tax office about registering a self-employed activity because I believe it falls under a freelance activity (§18 EStG). I also have the tax office's "questionnaire for tax registration" available.
I would like to offer the following consulting services:
- Start-up support / coaching / business sustainability
- Business plan development and financial planning / feasibility studies
- Investment and financing advice
- Guidance on public funding / subsidies (SAB, KfW, etc.)
- Income and liquidity planning
- Strategy development and implementation
- Controlling and improving business management
- Business process optimization
- Cost reduction ("Cost Cutting")
- Restructuring and turnaround consulting
- Business succession / succession planning
- Business acquisition and sale, business valuation
Special services:
- Marketing advice for market entry in foreign countries
If any of these services contradict freelance activity or could be classified as commercial, thus not allowing me to operate as a freelancer, please let me know. Would it be helpful for the tax office if I provide my qualifications (Dipl. Business Economist) and the planned consulting services when completing the questionnaire?
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards.