

child's welfare

Grandson has been living with us since birth (4 years), return to mother scheduled for October 2017 twice a week with overnight stays (aggressive behavior reported to child protective services), after an argument (via text message) our daughter, with...

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Maintenance as a testamentary gift

Maintenance as a gift under inheritance law Until the death of my mother, my sister lived alone and completely free of charge in my mother's condominium. My sister consciously chose to forgo housing benefits from the social welfare office. Now, aft...

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disclaim inheritance

My great-aunt (widowed since the 1970s) passed away in early March 2012. There are no direct relatives, such as children or grandchildren, and the closest relatives are her niece (cousin of my mother), my siblings, and myself. In 2005, my great-aun...

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Parental maintenance ("indirect form")

Dear Sir or Madam, One of my parents has been in need of care for a longer period of time. As the need for care continues to increase, the time is foreseeable when my parents will no longer be able to bear the associated costs themselves. Over 20 ye...

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funeral costs

My mother has passed away and now the social welfare office is supposed to cover the burial costs. My mother was receiving Hartz 4 benefits, as am I, and I am also severely disabled. The social welfare office is now requesting a list of the number an...

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Attachment order

Good day, Since 01.04.2009, I have been garnished by the youth welfare office for maintenance and arrears in maintenance. The maintenance is 240.00 euros. The maintenance arrears are 5678.00 euros from 01.01.03-31.03.09 according to the claim state...

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Rights of the daughter

Hello, After completing an apprenticeship and studying, my daughter has no desire to work. She wants to live on social welfare benefits (Harz4) for the rest of her life and rely on basic provisions in old age. Question: Can a government agency use...

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retroactive spousal support claim

Hello, Several years ago, my brother was unable to pay child support for his 3 children due to unemployment. The maintenance advance provided by the youth welfare office has since been repaid by him. His divorced wife did not receive spousal support ...

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Dear Sir or Madam, Through my probate inventory, I am obligated as a compulsory heir (my mother passed away in September 2010) to give my entitled compulsory portion to my ISV administrator. After inspecting the land register (sale of 3 residential ...

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Unmarried and child

I (German citizen) am married and have 3 children (1st wife + 3 children German citizens). In 2008, I met a woman from Morocco. Since 2010, we have been living in Saudi Arabia. Together we have a child. I have acknowledged paternity and obtained cust...

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I am divorced and have the following question: The biological father of my 10-year-old child is considered very unreliable and selfish. Therefore, it should be avoided that he can dispose of my daughter's inheritance share. Here is the wording in th...

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Moving on Hartz4

I am a single parent on welfare. Now I want to move, but the job center has rejected it with the reasoning that the move is not necessary. Now my question is: can I move without the approval of the job center? Because the job center has no additional...

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Youth welfare office defamation in court

I hereby request advice. Yesterday we were at the Youth Welfare Office for a discussion before the court hearing of my son (16) for assault. The discussion took place in 2 parts. The first part without my son who left as soon as I mentioned 2 other...

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Legal advice

Topic: Cash flow statement The tax office conducted an external audit on me according to Paragraph 193 (1) of the Tax Code. The accounting was mostly in order. During the closing discussion, it was made clear that there were no signs of tax evasion...

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