
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Tax return

Tax office estimation due to missing final balance sheet


I have a question. I forgot to submit a final statement to the tax office for my partnership. The company has been dissolved.

Now the tax office has made an estimate, which is of course completely exaggerated. The new separate determination of income was issued under reservation of audit according to § 164 Abs. 1 AO.

I have lodged an objection against this decision.

The tax office is requesting a final statement and has set a deadline for me to submit it. Unfortunately, I need an additional month to gather the missing documents.

What is the best way to inform the tax office so that they do not reject the objection, but extend the deadline?

I hope for assistance!

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen


please inform the tax office that you (if necessary, "due to corona") need some more time to prepare the necessary documents and request an extension of the deadline by one month. Usually, the deadline is currently being generously extended. Sometimes it also makes sense to call the tax officer and briefly explain the situation, and often the deadline extension is granted over the phone. The officials actually want to cause as little stress as possible here. It is important to be honest and not delay the processing repeatedly.

I hope this answers your question, otherwise feel free to ask for further clarification for free.

I would like to point out that this forum cannot replace a detailed and personal tax consultation, but is mainly intended to provide an initial tax assessment. By adding or omitting relevant information, the legal assessment of your matter could be different.

Best regards,

Knut Christiansen
Tax consultant

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Experte für Tax return

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen

Steuerberater Knut Christiansen


Ich beantworte Ihre Fragen zur Immobilienbesteuerung, Einkommensteuer, Umsatzsteuer, Gewerbesteuer, GmbH-Besteuerung, Finanzbuchhaltung, sowie Erbschaft- und Schenkungsteuer. Gerne stehe ich Ihnen auch auf anderen Gebieten für Fragen zur Verfügung.

Expert knowledge:
  • Tax return
  • Income tax return
  • Value-added tax (VAT)
  • Capital assets
  • Input tax
  • Sales tax / Turnover tax
  • Inheritance tax
  • Severance pay
  • Annual financial statement
  • Profit and loss statement
  • Rental / Leasing
  • Trade tax
  • Corporate tax
  • Balance sheet
  • Payroll
  • Double taxation
  • Real estate taxation
  • Gift tax
  • Association taxation / Non-profit status
  • Business start-up
  • Tax advisor fees
  • Other questions to tax advisors
  • Tax classes
  • Electronic income tax card (ELStAM)
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