
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Tax classes

Student with two side jobs - which billing is advantageous for me?


I am currently a student in North Rhine-Westphalia and finance my studies with two part-time jobs.

In my first job, I earn around 400 euros, and in the second "only" 150. In total, I make about 550 euros per month. I started both jobs on 01.12.2010.

At the moment, I work on both activities with a tax card and a relatively large amount is deducted from my earnings (for the 1st job (400 euros) I am in tax class 1 and for the second job (150 euros) I am in tax class 6), for example, I currently only have 70 euros "left" from the 150 euros, the rest goes towards taxes. Unfortunately, I do not understand the system at all.

Now my question is: What would be the most beneficial for me? So which tax class for which job? Or would it possibly be cheaper for me to not be paid through a tax card? I always thought that a 400-euro job is completely tax-free, so you can keep the entire wage. I have read that even as a marginal employee, you can be paid through a tax card, but I do not know what exactly that means and if it would be helpful in my case.

Could I reclaim the money that I have lost so far through a tax return at the end of 2011?

Unfortunately, I am not familiar with all the terms at all, so I would appreciate it if the response clearly states how a particularly beneficial payment method should look like for me, so that I can pass this on to my two employers.

Thank you for your help!

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Experte für Tax classes

Steuerbera Georg Stahn