
Ask a tax advisor on the topic of Rental / Leasing

Expenditures within the framework of a short-term employment relationship among family members.

I am currently renovating a residential building that will be rented out afterwards. My son (over 18), who is very skilled in craftsmanship, would like to help me during his semester break (4 weeks) and, for example, take over wallpapering work.
In order to possibly deduct these expenses for tax purposes, I would like to employ him for this period as a mini-jobber or in a short-term employment relationship through the Minijob-Zentrale.
Are these expenses tax deductible, or are tax authorities familiar with such a form of arrangement?

Ralph J. Schnaars

Dear questioner,

The answer is simple and it is yes.

However, please pay attention to the regulations regarding minimum wage
and clarify beforehand how much your son is allowed to earn
without any changes to his health insurance situation.

I hope I could help you with your considerations.

Kind regards,

Ralph J. Schnaars

STWB Tax Advisory Company
Direct contact +49 (0)171 525 20 42

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Experte für Rental / Leasing

Ralph J. Schnaars

Ralph J. Schnaars


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